Heritage of everyday: between topophilia and utopia

Why the talk is inspiring?

Cultural heritage slowly possesses bigger and bigger part of our past. Therefore it acquires features of separate functional type, related only to culture. The transfer of historical architecture into architectural heritage is starting to look like modernist utopia. In this talk we will ask whether topophilic activism could deconstruct a rigid and strict conception of heritage.

The talk is held on 4 November, Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. at the National Art Gallery (NDG), Konstitucijos av. 22, Vilnius.

The talk is held in Lithuanian.

Entrance is free of charge.



Vaidas Petrulis

How the speaker is exceptional?

Vaidas Petrulis is architecture historian, senior researcher at Kaunas University of Technology, Institute for architecture and construction, co-author of the books “Architecture in Soviet Lithuania” (2012) and “The heritage of Lithuanian interwar period: harmony between materiality and immateriality” ( 2015). He is the initiator of digital archive of Lithuanian architecture www.autc.lt.


Heritage: Critical Approaches

Rodney Harrison

Why the book is worth reading?

The relation between society and its past are now in a state of hardly predictable transformations. Expectations of the society and the whole cultural field encourages to question even the most fundamental attitudes of heritage protection. In his book R. Harrison presents a comprehensive and relevant map of change of perception of heritage.