#14 WHAT CITY?27 November - 17 December 2014All books can be found on the Architektūros fondas bookshelf at the National Gallery of Art (NDG) Art Information Center.
#13 DO IT YOURSELF. CREATING PUBLIC URBAN SPACE18 September - 15 October 2014All books can be found on the Architektūros fondas bookshelf at the National Gallery of Art (NDG) Art Information Center.
#12 NON-COLOBORATION - ON SCULPTURE3 July - 11 September 2014All books can be found on the Architektūros fondas bookshelf at the National Gallery of Art (NDG) Art Information Center.
#11 HOW DID I GET HERE?* NATIONAL IDENTITY IN ARCHITECTURE16 January - 13 February 2014All books can be found on the Architektūros fondas bookshelf at the National Gallery of Art (NDG) Art Information Center.